Obtained architectural qualifications with Honours in 1997 from the University of NSW. Previously worked with renown architect, Neville Gruzman and was responsible for many of the drawings published in the Gruzman biography. At the conclusion of university there was a key stint of travelling and working abroad with firms in Israel and England.
On return and after several years of local work as project architect with several Sydney firms, established Quinton Margalit Architects in 2002, which evolved to Quinton Margalit Smuskowitz Architects (MASQ architecture) in 2008. Early 2020 saw the start of Ted Quinton Architecture, continuing the body of work including private houses and medium density projects, produced over previous years and partnerships.
Since 2010 involved in teaching as Design Studio Tutor at UNSW for various years and programs, including the full year graduating studio in 2014 (housing). In 2019 lectured and tutored in Professional Practice and convened the course in Term 2 2019. Currently teaching Professional Practice at Western Sydney with ongoing participation as a guest juror at UNSW, UWS, UTS for various years and programs.
In recent years, contributed several articles for Houses magazine and Architecture Australia. Widely travelled in Europe, Turkey and Middle East with a very strong interest in high density housing, urban development and Mediterranean architecture.
B.Arch (hons) 1997 UNSW registered architect NSW ARB no.6880
2002 – 2008 | co-founded Quinton Margalit architects
2008 – 2020 | co-founded Quinton Margalit Smuskowitz architects (MASQ architecture)
2020 – | founded Ted Quinton Architecture
2010 – 2012 | tutor – third year studio- housing
2014 | studio lead – masters graduation year studio – housing
2016 – 2018 | studio lead – first year masters studio – housing
2018 | lecturer/tutor architectural drawing
2019 | lecturer/tutor T1 – Architectural practice
2019 | course convenor/lecturer/tutor T2
Architectural practice juror, UNSW, USYD, UTS
2021 – | lecturer UWS, Professional Practice
Houses Magazine, Architecture Australia
ARB Examiner 2021- ongoing, PALS presenter/course writer
nominated architect. Ted Quinton
reg no. 6880